The dreaded Pharaoh Ant....
(too old to reply)
2003-09-02 11:37:11 UTC
This is the second year in a row I've fought these suckers, and what I did last
year didn't work, or at least not very well. Of course, last year I wasn't
hitting the books to figure out exactly what species of ant I was dealing with,
and what I had done always worked before.

I discovered last year that if you hit them with the chemicals they break off
into dozens of different colonies, and barriers only provided temporary relief.
They also didn't like the commercial ant baits and wouldn't go in them for
anything. I ended up just using a barrier method and broadcast method to
finally get rid of them long enough for winter to take care of it. But it was
not effective.

This year, I've yanked a couple off their trails and put them under the
magnifying glass to positively identify them. They are indeed the dreaded
pharaoh ant, same nasty as last year. Since I know what didn't work last year
I've decided to alter my tactics. I mixed up a solution of corn syrup, sugar,
4 oz's of water, and a half teaspoon of boric acid and dipped cotton balls in
it and placed them in strategic locations on their trails. They are eating this
like candy. I also mixed up a batch of peanut butter, caramel, a bit more
sugar, and a bit of water to keep it moist and 1 teaspoon of boric acid (it's
roughly 4% in this mixture) and I put that into soda straws and on foil also
along the trails. I also spread a bit of boric acid powder into cracks and
crevices in the upstairs and brushed it in so it would go deep into the

How long before I can expect to see an improvement with these guys? ...And what
else can I do that I haven't done that wont irritate them and make them split
off into more colonies but will help get rid of them quicker?

(The usual things are done, keep food sealed, away from where they go...

I live in Missouri.
2003-09-02 13:19:36 UTC
In article <***@mb-
m06.aol.com>, ***@aol.comnoemail says...
:) How long before I can expect to see an improvement with these guys? ...And what
:) else can I do that I haven't done that wont irritate them and make them split
:) off into more colonies but will help get rid of them quicker?
Hard to say not knowing the extent of infestation and
how fast the boric acid baits are killing them, if not
repelling them as some point. The easiest fix for them
is to run down MaxForce bait stations, web, pest control
store, and place them about. Normally they will show
definite reduction of activity after a week and stoppage
in the second week. Just replace at a trail when you
notice foragers.
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Lar. (to e-mail, get rid of the BUGS!!
2003-09-02 14:22:06 UTC
Have you tried any of these?



The maxforce will probably work better in the long run. Hydromethylnon is
not a stomach poison.
2003-09-02 15:25:32 UTC
Post by PCOpug
Have you tried any of these?
The maxforce will probably work better in the long run. Hydromethylnon is
not a stomach poison.
Haven't tried those two yet, but will look for the MaxForce at the hardware
store when I go next. Will look for drax as well. What's the poison in drax?

As far as the infestation goes... They are not anywhere near as bad as they
were last year, but I know from experience that they will be in a few weeks if
I don't get on this. I haven't found any nest, but am seeing plenty of them in
the bathroom, and they have begun to raid to the kitchen in lots of about 40 at
a time mostly going for the dog dishes. So I've started feeding the dogs
outside and washing the bowls immediately when they are done, but they still
return to the spot the dog dishes were.

Last year was a nightmare, they built nest in the attic, the wall between the
bathroom and the kitchen, under the sink, in a box of paper...I had about 30
combat ant baits out, and used a full array of chemicals and still didn't get
much results till I did a broadcast spray on the lawn & attic and spot sprayed
what nest I could find. Eventually it got cold and they left.

Most ants are easy, but these little things left a *huge* impression on me last
year. After I had sprayed the foundation I noticed a day later they were back,
and went looking and couldn't figure out how they were getting in. Then I
noticed the them trekking across the power lines. By then it was too late, they
had made their first couple nest in the house, because after I treated that
entrace they will still here. They are pretty impressive creatures.
2003-09-02 17:37:59 UTC
In article <***@mb-
m28.aol.com>, ***@aol.comnoemail says...
:) Haven't tried those two yet, but will look for the MaxForce at the hardware
:) store when I go next. Will look for drax as well. What's the poison in drax?
Drax is a boric acid mixture. The MaxForce will need to
be bought at A Do-It-Yourself type pest control store,
from a pest control supply warehouse or over the
web...the same may go for the drax. You might try the
Combat bait stations found at the hardware stores, but
you may want to dip them in warm water a second to
moisten the bait, but then the attractant may not draw
in the pharaoh ants.

Lar. (to e-mail, get rid of the BUGS!!
Ulrich Lachmuth
2003-09-02 20:39:30 UTC
Post by Bufferoverflow1
I've decided to alter my tactics. I mixed up a solution of corn syrup, sugar,
4 oz's of water, and a half teaspoon of boric acid and dipped cotton balls in
it and placed them in strategic locations on their trails. They are eating this
like candy.
On target - they do it like ourselves: do you LIVE on candy? No?
They don't, too.
If they're Pharao's ants, then you might want to offer them some
protein - minced liver tastes wonderful! OK, it's a messy
business mixing up the baits, and if you're not careful you'll
end up be everybodies cat's darling for some days (and you'll
iscover all your friends are mysteriously busy for some time to
come) but in the long run it is worth it. Biroc acid is fine,
although it takes its time to work.
Post by Bufferoverflow1
[...] and I put that into soda straws and on foil also
along the trails.
Be careful about what typr of sticky tape or glue you use to
fasten them - solvents usually are strong ant repellents
Post by Bufferoverflow1
I also spread a bit of boric acid powder into cracks and
crevices in the upstairs and brushed it in so it would go deep into the
Don't do this
Post by Bufferoverflow1
How long before I can expect to see an improvement with these guys? ...And what
else can I do that I haven't done that wont irritate them and make them split
off into more colonies but will help get rid of them quicker?
If you proceed the bait course, you may "get" 10 weeks
Post by Bufferoverflow1
(The usual things are done, keep food sealed, away from where they go...
That helps
Post by Bufferoverflow1
I live in Missouri.
... and that doesn't really make a difference ;)

The trick with pharao's is that you should not try to kill them
the "usual way" i.e. using sprays etc. 'Cause their colonies
normally are in remote (I mean remote) areas of a building, you
may not expect to hit it with contact poisons.
Baits are the way to go - ants do not feed when you see them
"feeding" - they're just shopping. All they collect will be fed
to their co-ants, and the queen(s), of course.
Getting the queens is the whole idea - no queens, no eggs, no
more ants, no growing population. The worker individuals will die
eventually and you're set.

As Lar has pointed out, Maxforce will work, too - it's the same
idea, the "trick" is chosing a poison that doesn't act too fast.
You want the shoppers safe back in their colony, right?

Cheers, Uli
2003-09-02 21:27:37 UTC
Uli and Lar, have either of you tried the Maxforce bait with Fipronil? I
just purchased a case of it and the guy told me it works well. He said not
as well as Maxforce roachbait with Fipronil, but he says it works close to
it. I have only used it at one account so far and have not been back to see
the results. It is labeled for Pharoah's also.

What I have seen in all the posts is from Lar and Uli, they both mentioned
protein bait. If you put out a sweet bait you will more than likely attract
another ant in your home. These little guys need protein, they are also know
to be around lots of blood so the idea Uli had about the minced liver makes
me cringe but it would work well.

I wish you all the best
Tim W
2003-09-03 03:33:22 UTC
In article <dX75b.35152$Nc.7527181
@news1.news.adelphia.net>, ***@adelphia.net
:) Uli and Lar, have either of you tried the Maxforce bait with Fipronil? I
:) just purchased a case of it and the guy told me it works well. He said not
That is about all I get when I get bait stations.
Pharaohs ants are pretty much a non issue anymore. I may
come across them a couple of times a year, where as 12-
15 years ago they were the biggest pain I dealt with..I
think Maxforce did to pharaoh work what Frontline did to
fleas :/
:) These little guys need protein, they are also know
:) to be around lots of blood so the idea Uli had about the minced liver makes
:) me cringe but it would work well.
Heh...remember mixing many a goose liver paste with
Pha-rid to add to the cut up straws
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Lar. (to e-mail, get rid of the BUGS!!
2003-09-06 10:46:56 UTC
MAXFORCE bait with Fiprinil. There is no substitute. I've been using
this stuff all year and it has NEVER failed. Check the active
ingredient. With Pharaoh ants a little goes a long way. Argentine ants
require a little more per placement. It works very well on all the small
ants. (so far)

Member of IPCO- International Pest Control Operators
Public message board- http://www.ipconetwork.org/fmb/cboard.mv
2003-09-11 23:08:21 UTC
hi-can you please describe this ant??? i indeed also have an ongoing
ant problem & a pest technician every other month in my complex which is
totally not ridding the problem. i live in florida & this insect is the
most problem for me!!!!!! thanks for the help!!!!!
2003-09-11 23:57:42 UTC
In article <8508-3F610065-***@storefull-
2217.public.lawson.webtv.net>, ***@webtv.net
:) hi-can you please describe this ant??? i indeed also have an ongoing
:) ant problem & a pest technician every other month in my complex which is
:) totally not ridding the problem. i live in florida & this insect is the
:) most problem for me!!!!!! thanks for the help!!!!!
Tiny tiny tiny. Many times the last straw is when you
open up a jar of peanut butter and they have gotten
through the threads of the closed jar lid. Will have a
pale/pinkish/reddish tint. I was in S florida this
Summer and the small ants there weren't pharaohs but
were everywhere. They went for the Combat gel baits

Lar. (to e-mail, get rid of the BUGS!!
2003-09-12 15:30:54 UTC
you were right-they are not pharaoh ants here-but i am on the west coast
of florida. the ants that i have are on the beigy gold side but more on
the gold side & they are tiny. but you say combat gel??!!?? i will get
it & hopefully this will get riiiiid of them!!!! the techician that
comes here at the complex where everyone has them is doing nothing to
get rid of them totally!!! inside the place gets sprayed every other
month & is sprayed continuously on the outside as well- which slows
things down-but you start with them all over again & again!!! it is
quite disturbing that you have to look at everything...& its not really
comfortable. thanks again!!!!
2013-08-01 04:33:38 UTC
The pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis), so titled out of a belief that it may have been one of the ectozoon plagues of Ancient Egypt,[1] is a minuscule (2 mm) xanthous or shallow chromatic, virtually transparent ant notorious for state a educatee indoor nuisance gadfly, especially in hospitals[notation required]. The pharaoh ant - See more at: http://www.soufhd.com/2013/06/pharaoh-ant.html#sthash.pPbpqDjI.dpuf
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